Monday, April 25, 2022

So, eagle-eyed blog-ees might have noticed a teeny-tiny lapse in posts.

Obviously travel usually provides its share of unexpected circumstances - this one was a big one, and not the good kind.  During a routine Covid testing onboard, I came up positive. I still have to wonder if it wasn’t a mistake or “false positive”  - I had no symptoms. I obviously know that asymptomatic cases are common, but still…

Anyway, none of that mattered, I had to be transferred to a room on an isolated deck, and not come out for a week.  Long story short, it was hugely frustrating, but I have since returned and tested negative.  At the moment we have disembarked the ship and have spent our first day in Istanbul. Will update the blog when I can (and when device/charging and Wi-Fi allows).

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