Saturday, March 11, 2023

Lots of curries and chutneys and pakoras…..and once again, we managed to get the best table on the ship too……outside, looking back over our wake. Piling up my plate with Indian goodies, I wondered if I might be unbalancing the ship to port. Which reminds me, just like tonight, we sailed out of Melbourne four years ago, and in the middle of the night the ship lurched badly, I was thrown out of bed (no small task), and we learned the next morning that all the pre-set glassware in the main dining room was lost, on the floor. Never got a coherent explanation, I remember hearing “navigational error”, which is one of those things that sounds official but doesn’t really explain anything.

1 comment:

  1. Before blaming someone else, is it possible that you were violently ejected from your bed due to the excess of curry, enjoyed earlier that day?
    Just asking.


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