Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Old City of Quebec is fun.

So, we’ve sailed away from Quebec City, and are on our way to Montreal, where we will disembark. NOT HAPPY about this.

Canadian t-shirts are wonderful.

I support the opposition. (Usually)

We visited the National Assembly of Quebec, the (approximate) equivalence of an American State house.

The good folks of Sept Iles wished us well as we sailed away.

I wish I could zoom in on this one, or at least do an edit with a manually-added arrow.....but in the top third, barely right of center, there’s a *climber*. Nuts. Reminds me of about 100 years ago, when I worked at the Pantages Theatre, and I struck up a chatty working relationship with the assistant manager of the bank next door to the theater. She was a skydiver - I told her she was nuts to jump out of a perfectly good airplane, she told me I was nuts to want to be 90 feet underwater. And so it goes.

Ok, doubling up a bit here - yesterday we were in Saguenay, Quebec, and took a local zodiac trip (LOVE zodiacs!) around Saguenay Fjord.