Saturday, October 5, 2024

Yesterday: Crete.

Boring backstory:  when I was about 13-14 years old, my parents took me on my first ever trip to Europe.  Did the usual London-Paris-Rome, but also Greek isles. For whatever reason I really liked Crete and the whole ancient Minoan culture/history thing.  Came back and read books, did school book reports, all that sort of thing.  So in April of 2022 when we did a Lisbon-to-Istanbul cruise, I was excited to come back to Crete, after liking it so much the first time, so many decades before. (So long ago, it wasn’t even Greco-Roman-ruined yet).  Wouldn’t you know, three days before the Crete call, they did random onboard Covid tests….and I tested positive.  To this day a small voice in the back of my head screams “false positive” or “my test got jumbled up with someone else’s” - I had no symptoms and felt fine.  Now, I understand the whole asymptomatic infection thing, but still…..          So, obviously I missed the Crete/Heraklion stop, I was quarantined in a separate room for 6 days.  Returned to civilization the day before we disembarked in Istanbul.


ANYWAY, all the more reason to look forward to this visit (and partly, a reason I planned it), and it didn’t disappoint.

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