Thursday, January 4, 2024

So, we are still slooooooooooowly making our way back into the World of the Living. This cold just absolutely clobbered both of us and all but wrecked this entire trip. (I will continue to suspect that the Bubonic Plague might have been in there somewhere). In any case, the ship visited 6 sites on the Antarctic peninsula, we weren’t able to disembark at any of them. One of the main reasons I wanted to go back and do this third trip, was that previously we were unable to land at South Georgia Island, due to high sea surge. This time, we both managed to take the zodiac to shore, and wander around for 10 minutes, before the cough and out-of-breath thing reasserted itself. We’ve been back onboard only, ever since. At least, in that brief stretch on South Georgia, I *did* manage to get one decent photo, which shows why I wanted to go back there. Just seems like a high price to pay for 15 minutes out of a three-week trip.

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