Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Btw, that enormous sculpture on the bluff above Dakar (you can see the stairway up to it, on the right) comes with a bit of local controversy - it had a $27+ million dollar price tag, and was apparently created in North Korea.

The ferry sailed by the Global Mercy, a huge floating hospital, which performs surgeries for local people of little means, who otherwise could never receive such care. Full disclosure - I’ve done the monthly donation thing to this organization for several years, but as this shouldn’t be a forum to blatantly solicit third-party endorsements, I’ll merely state that this organization……exists.

We took a local ferry from Dakar to the Île de Gorée, an island off the coast. It’s now a pretty island village (with no vehicles) but has, yet again, a sad history with the slave trade. The last photo is entitled “the Door of No Return”.

Traffic in Dakar is delightfully chaotic - with a few stoplights installed here and there, for no apparent reason.


The gentleman in the three-wheeler appeared to be giving either educational or religious studies to the kids on either side.

Now in Dakar, Senegal.