Friday, January 15, 2016

Our small hotel is in a pleasant part of town - quiet, tree-lined, genteel. But the sidewalks are a disaster - large and deep potholes and missing tiles & chunks of concrete every few feet. In the USA it would be an injury attorney's fantasy world.

"Hey, get your ferrets here, fresh ferrets....!"

We wandered around San Telmo, the oldest neighborhood of the city, and now filled with interesting shops and cafés. In the square, we stop for a cold drink and watched the tango dancers.

The "Paris" look, like I mentioned earlier.

For any foodies out there...a wonderful sushi dinner in the trendy Palermo area. The second pic is a Kobe beef sushi, with a chili/olive sauce which the sushi chef caramelized with a creme brûlée torch.

This guy got on the subway, and within 8 seconds was seated and playing Mozart on his amplified keyboard. The subway is great - you can go from any point in the city to any other one, for a fare-equivalent of 37 cents.

Friday, January 8, 2016

We set sail away from the sub-Antarctic, northwest, toward Montevideo, Uruguay. We have, for the last ten days, been in approximately 0 degrees Celsius (low 30's, Fahrenheit). The forecast for Montevideo a few days from now, is 91 degrees F, about 33 C.

My first (and quite possibly last) "selfie". Just back in the room from today's adventure.

Our zodiac waits its turn to get us back on the ship. It can actually be a bit tricky, when there are 3-4 foot swells, which raise and lower the zodiac that much, while slamming into and away from the landing platform. Nothing that can't be handled, just a little interesting.

Unfortunately, the swells and surf and wind were too substantial to allow us to land today, which was a great disappointment, considering it was our last day in the sub-Antarctic region, and considering the magnitude of the wildlife: thousands of King penguins, fur seals, and everything else. Some pictures here, but from more than 50 yards away and without high-powered photographic equipment, it's less impressive than the experience. At least we were able to watch the batches of penguins dive in and out of the surf, and watch the fur seal pups play with each other just like a batch of puppies, and watch the older males occasionally challenging each other for their territory. Quite remarkable. We want to come back.