Thursday, December 21, 2023

On our way!

Our wonderful ship sailed out of Ushuaia last night around 11:00p, so we’re now in the Drake Passage for the next 18 hours or so.  Can be pretty rough, but we’re old hands at it.  Swells right now are less than 4 meters (12 feet), so not too bad…so far.  Here’s a site to tell you far more than you probably want to know, about current Drake conditions:

This a new ship we’ve not sailed before, considerably smaller (capacity ~250), so the first few days will be spent exploring and getting to know where everything is.  Pix to come!

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Btw, that enormous sculpture on the bluff above Dakar (you can see the stairway up to it, on the right) comes with a bit of local controversy - it had a $27+ million dollar price tag, and was apparently created in North Korea.

The ferry sailed by the Global Mercy, a huge floating hospital, which performs surgeries for local people of little means, who otherwise could never receive such care. Full disclosure - I’ve done the monthly donation thing to this organization for several years, but as this shouldn’t be a forum to blatantly solicit third-party endorsements, I’ll merely state that this organization……exists.

We took a local ferry from Dakar to the Île de Gorée, an island off the coast. It’s now a pretty island village (with no vehicles) but has, yet again, a sad history with the slave trade. The last photo is entitled “the Door of No Return”.

Traffic in Dakar is delightfully chaotic - with a few stoplights installed here and there, for no apparent reason.


The gentleman in the three-wheeler appeared to be giving either educational or religious studies to the kids on either side.

Now in Dakar, Senegal.