Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Wifi seems to be behaving itself much better today, so I’ll throw a bunch of stuff atcha. May have to scroll to the bottom & hit “Older posts” if you insist on seeing everything.

This wee one wasn’t 100% sure about this big guy taking her picture.

We visit a local community in Urubamba, where they demonstrated textile-making, homeopathic medicines, and various other indigenous cultural activities. This is not just “play dress-up for the tourists”, this is an ongoing community. This is still the dress seen on the streets, everywhere around town, when you’re this far off the beaten track.

Quite a beautiful area to drive around. With many archaeological sites identified.

Our guide plays an Incan flute, and re-emphasizes the mosaic stone work with utterly massive boulders.

An exterior pic of the aforementioned cathedral - at first glance one might guess the gray smooth stone surface below the cathedral was modern, but it’s actually Inca c. 1450, while the cathedral itself is obviously later Spanish.